State: NJ
Business: Bella Vita ADHD Coaching
Susan Ciambriello
People with ADHD are amazing! The ADHD brain is beautiful, and each person has a combination of characteristics that make them unique. There are so many positive traits of a person with ADHD, that sometimes we ignore the challenges! People with ADHD are creative, resilient, passionate, resourceful, intelligent, lateral thinkers ..… ADHD shows up differently for everyone. Susan (she/her) is an ADHD Life and Executive Function coach who brings a broad range of experiences to coaching. Her professional experience includes high school teaching (Italian and French), international finance (and living abroad), and now, coaching. Susan has always been a part of an ADHD impacted family all of her life - siblings as well as children - and understands the importance of developing harmony at home, while working to overcome challenges. As a coach, Susan will collaborate with you to understand your unique brain, to identify your strengths, and clarify your aspirations. Together, you’ll use that knowledge to create customized, practical ways to navigate your challenges. Susan’s passion is to empower others with ADHD to realize their potential and to live fulfilled lives. What do YOU want to achieve?