Phone: 206-354-3922
State: WA
Business Name: Kristen Denney Coaching
Kristen Denney
Hello! I am a certified Life and ADHD coach with personal experience in many of the life challenges that my clients face. I have a passion for people diagnosed later in life, are in transition or seeking a career change and want to find a good fit. Initially, my diagnosis brought relief because I now knew what has been "wrong" with me for my entire life. (I no longer see it that way!) Relief quickly morphed into considerable grief, realizing all the years of misconceptions and missed opportunities. I soon realized that I wanted to provide the support I found to others who have unknowingly faced the challenges of ADHD. Hiring my own ADHD Coach led to clarity about myself and my strengths, my brain, and executive function challenges. Life got better when I stopped trying to be like everyone else and realized what I offer because of my brain wiring. As your coach, I will be your thinking partner, as we collaborate toward change through awareness and strengths-based conversations. I look forward to partnering with you on your new path.